Creativity Generator

Brian Caldwell - Nerosound

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Creativity Generator

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Creativity Generator is specially composed to nurture and expand your creative abilities. Research indicates that a relaxed, focused state of mind usually accompanies truly creative thinking. When we experience mental clarity, our mind becomes receptive, relaxed and centered. Creativity Generator features frequencies that correspond to the

Creativity Generator is specially composed to nurture and expand your creative abilities. Research indicates that a relaxed, focused state of mind usually accompanies truly creative thinking. When we experience mental clarity, our mind becomes receptive, relaxed and centered. Creativity Generator features frequencies that correspond to the Alpha/Theta brainwave range - 7.83 Hz, the resonant frequency of the Earth, known as the Schumann (or Schuman ) Resonance. This zone of consciousness the cradle of creativity, inspiration and visualization is also the realm of holistic comprehension the ability to see and feel "big picture" as they say.

Creativity Generator's multidimensional soundscape gently guides you to a place where access to your higher potential is easy and pleasurable. Use it for intensifying creative visualization and intuition, balancing body/mind energy flow, melting tension and freeing blocked energy.

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    Intro 0:29
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